Sometimes, a girl needs a little chill time…

On a spontaneous whim, my boyfriend decided we should go for a massage. One phone call, a quick decision and a short drive later, we were in heaven. And completely unprepared for the awesomeness we were about to encounter.

Thermea Winnipeg

Thermea Winnipeg

So I’m taking a little break this week from drawing and painting to talk about how I recharged my batteries to get the inspiration and creativity reflowing again.

Thermea – Winnipeg’s new Nordik experience spa, hidden in the forest that is Crescent Drive Golf Course, really made us feel like we were transported to another country, if only for a few hours of relaxation.

Thermea Winnipeg

Thermea Winnipeg

Imagine laying in a hot spring, deep in the forest, surrounded by beautiful stones with blankets of snow and fire pits filling the air with the smell of cedar. The atmosphere is incredible – incomparable to anything in this city.

But we didn’t exactly think ahead and forgot that hot tubs, cold tubs, saunas and steam showers meant, “bring your bathing suit”… maybe we weren’t the sharpest but Thermea was on the ball and suited us up so we could enjoy all the amenities they had to offer.

Massages at Thermea Winnipeg

Massages at Thermea

Which is A LOT. With over 10 different rooms and spaces and things to do, we found ourselves spending quite a few hours soaking it all in.

Relaxation Room at Thermea

Relaxation Room at Thermea

And I’d go back in a heartbeat.

In the middle of a stress filled semester of a Winnipeg winter, a few hours of spa was definitely needed. Besides, we all need a little pampering once in a while. This place is brilliant – why not take advantage of the wicked cold we have here?

Site Map of Thermea

Site Map of Thermea

Next time I feel like I need to rejuvenate my body, I know exactly where I’m headed.

Polar Plunge at Thermea

Polar Plunge at Thermea

*all images from