Pens, Pencils and Improvised Light Tables.

The next pen and watercolour sketch draws inspiration from the beloved Burberry trench and its native home in rainy London.

Hack: Don’t have a light table for sketching and tracing lines? Improvise! I flipped my laptop upside down, taped my sketch book to the screen (scotch tape left no residue and came of easily, though masking tape might be better).

Improvising a light table! by emily elizabeth enns

Improvising a light table! by emily elizabeth enns

I took some tips from on drawing hair into consideration, to give her locks a little more life, then brought it down to look a little simpler.

London in Pencil by emily elizabeth enns

London in Pencil by emily elizabeth enns

It’s hard to let go of my pencil sketches, what if I screw up and make it worse? BUT what if I make it even better?

Regardless, I like the pen outline in contrast to watercolour –that, or I’m still learning how to color between the lines and need the reference point!

London in Pen, ready for colour! by emily elizabeth enns

London in Pen, ready for colour! by emily elizabeth enns

Now that I’m pleased with the pen outline, I’m still hesitant to add color to the page – there’s a nice simplicity in black and white lines. But I want to expand my skills and try to add a rain effect into the picture.

After my last few rounds of testing out fashion drawings and figures, I decided my art skills need to be taken to the next level, and I found my mecca!

Burberry trench coat - courtesy of

Burberry trench coat – courtesy of is a great website that show you how to draw fashion sketches properly – so that they actually look like their real life representations. The site is full of tutorials to guide you through drawing almost everything from iconic designer patterns, such as the Burberry plaid, different stockings and garters, feather boas, shoes and a variety of different fabrics.

Shoes! courtesy of

Shoes! courtesy of

Each day new tips and trick are posted and you can search for just about anything! The list goes on!

Stockings and Garters courtesy of

Stockings and Garters courtesy of

Over the next few weeks I’m challenging myself to tackle a few of these to improve my skills and hopefully draw some cool stuff.

Pen & Watercolour: Fashion Sketches

Pen and watercolour. Chic and simple, it’s one of my favourite mediums. Various pen sizes allow for delicate lines and detailed curls to shine, where as watercolour gives life and whimsy to fabrics, hair and shoes. I began dipping my toes into fashion sketches (which are not as easy as a few lines and some colour!), but maybe a little more practice and experimentation will help!

Fashion Sketch 1 by emily elizabeth enns

Fashion Sketch 1 by emily elizabeth enns

Fashion Sketch 2 by emily elizabeth enns

Fashion Sketch 2 by emily elizabeth enns

Fashion Sketch 3 by emily elizabeth enns

Fashion Sketch 3 by emily elizabeth enns

DVF Part II: Pencil Crayon

Pencil crayons are not one of my favourite mediums to work with. Maybe I haven’t spent enough time playing around with them, but I feel like we just don’t get along too well. I think I liked it better as just a pencil drawing and maybe should have just built on that. But hey, at least I tried!

I’m very jealous of anyone who has been able to master this technique… I ask, any helpful tips?

Just pencil….

Pencil drawing of DVF dress by emily elizabeth enns

Pencil drawing of DVF dress by emily elizabeth enns

Pencil Crayon

DVF. in pencil crayon by emily elizabeth enns

DVF. in pencil crayon by emily elizabeth enns